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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
French worksheet - "Documents administratifs français" (French administrative documents)

French worksheet - "Documents administratifs français" (French administrative documents)

Presentation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This worksheet presents 10 French administrative documents. The corresponding description must be found, based on the 10 possible choices (on the right). The documents presented are: La carte bancaire (The bank card) La carte Navigo (The “Navigo” card, i.e. the “Île-de-France” transport card) The passport Les tickets T+ (bus/train tickets to travel in Paris and suburbs) La carte Vitale (health insurance card) La carte d’identité (The identity card) Le livret de famille (The family booklet) La carte de séjour (The residence permit) La carte de visite (The business card) Le permis de conduire (The driving license) This exercise is a good overview of the important documents in the lives of French people and foreigners, and in particular those living in and around Paris. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A **one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) + PDF ** A detailed answer sheet If you’re interested… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you!
(French) Sentences from everyday life - Transform into passé composé & futur

(French) Sentences from everyday life - Transform into passé composé & futur

This exercise consists of nine French sentences from everyday life, which are to be transformed into the simple past (passé composé) and the simple/near future (futur simple/futur proche) The sentences to be transformed are: I eat a lot, I work late at night, she stays at home for a few days, I drink coffee, I pick up my daughter from school, I take French lessons, I go to bed early, I do the shopping, I watch TV. (= je mange beaucoup, je travaille jusque tard dans la nuit, elle reste à la maison quelques jours, je bois du café, je vais chercher ma fille à l’école, je prends des cours de français, je me couche tôt, je fais les courses, je regarde la télé.) This exercise helps: (1) to learn simple and very useful French sentences, (2) to practice conjugation. A detailed answer key is attached to the document. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). Thank you! French version below: Cet exercice comporte 9 phrases du quotidien, qu’il faut transformer au passé simple et au futur simple/futur proche. Les phrases à transformer sont : je mange beaucoup, je travaille jusque tard dans la nuit, elle reste à la maison quelques jours, je bois du café, je vais chercher ma fille à l’école, je prends des cours de français, je me couche tôt, je fais les courses, je regarde la télé. Cet exercice permet : (1) d’apprendre des phrases simples et très utiles, (2) de s’entraîner en conjugaison. Un corrigé détaillé est joint au document.
French handwriting: Fruits

French handwriting: Fruits

In this cursive writing exercise (2 pages), the names of several fruits are written. The kid has to copy the words in order to write them and learn them. The words are: figue, fraise, ananas, kiwi, citron, avocat, orange. This activity is useful for adopting the writing gesture, and for learning how to read (several sequences of words are repeated). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). Thank you!
French: Answer simple questions in both affirmative and negative forms

French: Answer simple questions in both affirmative and negative forms

In this French exercise, intended for beginners (CP, CE1 - level A1.1, A1), you will find simple questions to be answered, using the affirmative form and then the negative form. You will find two pages of questions: the first page is about affirmative answers and the second about negative answers. This activity is useful to become familiar with the writing gesture, and to easily answer common questions. It also helps to master some of the alterations that occur in the negative form (e.g., change “un” into “de”; “du” > “de”). A complete answer key is attached to this activity. The activity can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format (editable, using the Standard Cursive font) We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). Thank you!
Chiffres, nombres et heures (figures, numbers and time - French basics)

Chiffres, nombres et heures (figures, numbers and time - French basics)

This exercise (PDF + DOCX) will help your students become familiar with figures, numbers, and time writing. In the first exercise, simply copy the words designating numbers (from 1 to 20). In the second exercise, you will have to spell out the numerical time indicated (example: 17h15 > Il est dix-sept heures quinze). This exercise is suitable for learning to read and write, for both young and old (level A1.1). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). Thank you!
Handwriting (French): Farm animals (les animaux de la ferme)

Handwriting (French): Farm animals (les animaux de la ferme)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Farm animals (Les animaux d’Afrique). You will find the following animals: *un âne - un chat - un cheval - une chèvre - un chien - un cochon - un lapin - un mouton - une poule - une vache * This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
Handwriting (French): Feathered animals of the farm

Handwriting (French): Feathered animals of the farm

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Feathered animals of the farm (Les animaux à plumes de la ferme). You will find the following animals: un canard colvert - un caneton - une caille - une poule - un coq - un poussin - une oie - un dindon This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French worksheet] Crossword puzzle: emotions and sensations

[French worksheet] Crossword puzzle: emotions and sensations

Here is a crossword puzzle that will allow you to review and teach vocabulary related to emotions, feelings and sensations. From the information given, you will have to find 15 mystery words and write them in the grid. The words to write are: affamé, assoiffé, débordé, serein, susceptible, fâché, contrarié, reconnaissant, mécontent, gentil, inquiet, malheureux, arrogant, fatigué, honteux (hungry, thirsty, overwhelmed, serene, susceptible, angry, upset, grateful, displeased, kind, worried, unhappy, arrogant, tired, ashamed) This game is intended for children in 2nd grade (CE1 in France, A2 level for adult French learners). It exists in two versions: a difficult version (without clues) and an easier version (letters are already included in the grid). The document can be downloaded in PDF format and contains an answer key.
[French] Exercise on the human body: text to read and picture to complete

[French] Exercise on the human body: text to read and picture to complete

This document features a text that outlines 10 key organs of the human body: lungs, heart, liver, stomach, small and large intestine, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, and thyroid (les poumons, le cœur, le foie, l’estomac, l’intestin grêle et le gros intestin, la rate, le pancréas, les reins, la vessie et la thyroïde). The role of each of these organs is summarized. Below the text, you will find a picture of the human body and you will have to write the name of the corresponding organ at the end of each arrow. This activity is particularly useful because it allows you to: Learn more about the human body and the role of some of its organs Work on reading comprehension Deduce the location of each organ from the information given Enrich your vocabulary related to the human body and its functioning This work can be used for elementary school children, in 2nd grade (CE1 in France; it can also be used with CE2 or CM1). For adults, it corresponds to level French A2 (or even B1 to enrich the vocabulary). The document can be downloaded in PDF format. An answer key is attached to the exercise.
[French cursive handwriting] Vehicles and means of transportation

[French cursive handwriting] Vehicles and means of transportation

Cette page au format PDF contient un exercice de recopiage, puis un exercice d’écriture. Description de l’exercice (nouvelle version) Il s’agit d’abord de recopier 5 mots simples, d’après un modèle : une voiture, un bus, un tank, une moto, un vélo. Ensuite, vous trouverez 11 images de véhicules : l’élève devra essayer de trouver la bonne graphie de chaque mot. Les véhicules sont : bus, ambulance, voiture, voiture de police, (voiture de) taxi, moto, van, train, camion, cabriolet, tramway. Cet exercice peut-être donné à des élèves de niveau CP voire CE1, ainsi qu’aux apprenants FLE de niveau A1.1 et A1. English version below: This PDF worksheet contains a handwriting exercise (copy), then a writing exercise. First, the student has to copy 5 simple words, according to a model: a car, a bus, a tank, a motorcycle, a bicycle. Then you will find 11 pictures of vehicles: the student will have to try to find the right spelling of each word. The vehicles are: bus, ambulance, car, police car, cab, motorcycle, van, train, truck, convertible, streetcar. This exercise can be given to students at 1st grade or 2nd grade, as well as to FFL learners at A1.1 and A1 level.
Handwriting (French): Tropical birds (les oiseaux tropicaux)

Handwriting (French): Tropical birds (les oiseaux tropicaux)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Tropical birds (Les oiseaux tropicaux). You will find the following animals: un ara - un cacatoès - un colibri - un flamant rose - un ibis rouge - des inséparables - une perruche - un toucan This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French] Crosswords for kids - Animals of the savannah

[French] Crosswords for kids - Animals of the savannah

Here are some crosswords that will be useful for children (or adults) who are learning to read and write. You will find animals from the savannah and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and fill in the boxes. This exercise is suitable for children aged 6 and over. It can also be used with adults (A1 level). This exercise can be downloaded in PDF format.
Handwriting (French) - Choose the right word: insects

Handwriting (French) - Choose the right word: insects

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Insects (les insectes). You will find the following animals: un bourdon - une coccinelle - une guêpe - une libellule - un moustique - un papillon – une punaise - une sauterelle This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French] Days of the week - Exercise 2nd grade (CE1 in France)

[French] Days of the week - Exercise 2nd grade (CE1 in France)

Here is a fun activity inspired by my own second grade classes. The theme is: The seven days of the week. I have adapted and enriched the worksheet that was handed out to me when I was a child. This worksheet will help students consolidate their knowledge of the days of the week, and to find their way through time. It can be useful for French learners (level A1.1 / A1) The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
[French A1] Comprendre des plaques professionnelles - Understand business signs

[French A1] Comprendre des plaques professionnelles - Understand business signs

Grâce à cet exercice pratique de FLE, vos élèves sauront comprendre des informations à partir de plaques professionnelles. À gauche : des plaques professionnelles, fictives ou réelles ; À droite : un ou plusieurs personnages représentant un métier. Ce travail de 2 pages est destiné aux apprenants de niveau A1. Il peut être donné aussi à des écoliers (CP, CE1). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below With this practical FFL exercise, your students will be able to understand information from business signs. On the left: real or fictional business signs; On the right: one or more characters representing a profession. This worksheet (2 pages) is intended for A1 level learners. It can also be given to school children (1st grade, 2nd grade - France cursus).
[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword - The syllable "oi"

[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword - The syllable "oi"

Here are some crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various images and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place. These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format. The subject here is the syllable OI. The purpose of the exercise is to avoid the frequent confusion between these two letters
[French Writing] Répondre à une annonce sur leboncoin (Reply to an ad)

[French Writing] Répondre à une annonce sur leboncoin (Reply to an ad)

Leboncoin est le site internet de petites annonces le plus connu en France. Nous avons donc eu l’idée de faire un exercice d’expression écrite pour permettre aux étrangers d’apprivoiser cette plate-forme très utilisée dans l’Hexagone. Il s’agira donc de répondre à une annonce de logement, en l’occurrence une chambre en colocation. Après le texte de l’annonce, vous trouverez un espace de texte où l’apprenant devra proposer un e-mail de réponse, en respectant certaines indications (poser des questions supplémentaires, proposer un rendez-vous…). Cet exercice est idéal pour les apprenants FLE A2 ou B1, mais on peut aussi le donner aux apprenants de niveaux supérieurs (B2 voire C1). Ce sera l’occasion d’améliorer leur rédaction. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF ainsi qu’au format DOCX. ENGLISH VERSION BELOW Leboncoin is the most famous classified ads website in France. We therefore had the idea of doing a written expression exercise to allow foreigners to get to know this platform, which is widely used in France. They will have to answer an advertisement for accommodation, in this case a shared room. After the text of the ad, you will find a text space where the learner will have to propose a response e-mail, respecting certain indications (ask additional questions, propose an appointment…). This exercise is ideal for FLE A2 or B1 learners, but it can also be given to learners at higher levels (B2 or even C1). It will be an opportunity to improve their writing. The document can be downloaded in PDF format as well as in DOCX format.
(French) Vocabulary: Days, Months, Numbers (Jours, mois et nombres de 1 à 30)

(French) Vocabulary: Days, Months, Numbers (Jours, mois et nombres de 1 à 30)

Here is an exercise for students at the CE1 level (alpha A1 or even A2): they will have to write words that are widely used: days of the week, month of the year, and numbers from 1 to 30. This sheet is useful to test your students’ knowledge. French version: Voici un exercice à destination des élèves de niveau CE1 (alpha A1 voire A2), où le but est d’écrire des mots très utilisés : jours de la semaine, mois de l’année, et nombres de 1 à 30. Cette feuille est utile pour vérifier les connaissances de vos étudiants.